Sunday, December 18, 2011

Say no to censorship! Say no to SOPA!

Alright, maybe I might be trying to copy this from Shiki's blog, but trust me, I hate censorship a lot. I first heard SOPA from ED, and my first reaction was: erm... lolwut? This can't be real, eh? I mean, you can't take articles on ED seriously. Of course, that changed when I received a newsletter on my e-mail inbox, explaining the situation. That coupled with reading Shiki's post on SOPA, I say fuck this. We gotta do something about this eventhough we're not American.

Censorship in any way isn't supposed to be tolerable. Trust me, I live in Malaysia currently and the censorship here pisses me off. I walk into the cinema, expecting an awesome movie, BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP. Fucking censor, it spoiled my movie and wasted my money, when I can just by a pirated DVD for the movie. Heck, it's clearer and better than what I get in the Cinema. Same goes to songs I listen. I want to listen to the fucking song, with no censor for fuck sake. And don't even get me started on censored/banned sites in Malaysia. I personally and honestly think that the worst move the Malaysian government did recently. This is utter bullshit.

Let's just imagine 10 times worse than this. Ok, maybe I'm just exaggerating. But, censorship in any way is a no-no. I think it's best to let the following video do the explanation.

So, what are you waiting? Do you part too. Visit or I've made it easier for you guys by embedding the widget below, but please do visit the site, you'll learn more about this.

I've signed the petition, why not you?

/update: Here are some good reads on SOPA:

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