Sunday, October 30, 2011

I'm gonna leave this untitled due to laziness, kthxbai

Since I'm such a lazy ass, I decided to leave this in my draft till the end of the month.

  1. I'm fully retired from Pockie Ninja. I'm not following the updates of Pockie Ninja, and I will not update myself on all the new patches. As for the questions posted on my Pockie Ninja synthesis post, I'll try to answer as much as I can, if I have the time, since this whole year is a really busy year for me. I'm still in contact with some friends who are still playing Pockie Ninja, so I'd try to have them answer your questions relating to the new updates... hopefully?

  2. I'm now playing another TCG after not learning my lesson from YGO. Well, when did I ever learn from my mistakes? Anyway, I'm now offcially playing "カードファイト!! ヴァンガード" (Cardfight!! Vanguard). As a lolicon / flat-chest-fetish pervert, it is a must for me to play OTT, which is made up for delicious lolis and flat chested girls *drools*. In my opinion, Vanguard (that's how we call it for short) is actually kinda an interesting and fun TCG. I might post my deck listing up on here in the future just for teh lulz.

  3. Fag alert: I'm playing TinierMe. =w=

  4. I fucking jinx it. Now Man Utd lost 6-1 to Shitty. I shouldn't have wrote anything on my previous post. FFFFFFffffffffff...

I guess that's all for it now?

/sidenote: to those who need answer for Pockie Ninja, etc, please post your questions to either my Pockie Ninja Synthesis post or my Ask Aki page. Thank you very much. >w<

/sidenote2: to Teddie <3, took away the Clan Agito's chatbox. >w<


  1. "As a lolicon / flat-chest-fetish pervert, it is a must for me to play OTT..."
    Silly bunny, don't you know those are traps?

  2. Wait, lemme check...

    *touches the bottom parts*

    Wait, what's this? What the fuck? What the fuck!? HOLY SHIT! P0N0S!! J-J-J-JAM IT IN!!

  3. Hey it's Ted! xD I deleted your account by accident when I was cleaning up list. =w= So go rejoin lol!

  4. I typed in the other person's name EXACTLY in the search function and it came up with yours. XD And I just deleted without double checking. <_> 'Cos I was clearing a loooot. 8U
