Saturday, September 16, 2017

My thoughts on the recent "Pewdiepie is racist" incident

I can't fucking believe I'm writing this shit to defend Pewdiepie. Fucking Pewdiepie, the lamest person on gaming community.

I like how everyone starts jumping on the bandwagon of "I'm holier than thou", and starts calling Felix a racist, because the context doesn't matter. You know, just like when I'm calling you a cunt, you're not actually a cunt - because it's a fucking general insult to you as a person. Just like how Felix is insulting the player he is playing against.

If you are pissed at someone cussing in games, or such, please go back to your safe space, because NO ONE GIVES A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS. Every fucking multiplayer game is toxic - it's just human nature. If you're going to deny it, you must be either:
  1. a recluse, who stays in your mom's attic, and never actually played multiplayer in your lifetime;
  2. so much denial, that you're detached from reality.
You know what? Leftist white liberals are still the most racist and toxic kind of people on Earth. It's funny when black people don't actually give a fuck about Felix saying "Nigger", but these morons shout louder about racism, and start abusing the said black people.

It's SJW morons like you guys who make the word "nigger" sounds offensive, because you keep saying how racist, how bigoted to speak of it. But, you know, IT'S JUST A FUCKING WORD. Empowering the word will just elevate its status.

Just like what Dave Rubin says, the more this outrage continues, the more I find myself drifting away from the left.

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