Tuesday, July 30, 2013

[Cardfight!! Vanguard] Regarding Declare and Reveal

This is from the CotD page via the Japanese official site. I've copied the text in Japanese and translated it for you guys.


When you Declare a card name, it is preferable to Declare the official name. In the situation if you have forgotten the official name, please discuss and describe the details (of the card) with your opponent; once both players agree to the details, you may then continue resolving the ability.


Both players may confirmed the Revealed card. If the Revealed card is from the top of your deck, put the card back to the top deck of your, facing down and end the check timing (resolving the ability). As a (general) rule, the card cannot be left face up on/in the deck and you may not shuffle the deck.

imo, even with BSR allowing players to describe a card in general for Declare, one should try to remember the cards' actual name, be it Japanese, English, or Korean. Agreeing on just details is not really reliable - the opponent might claim it's another card that the player is Declaring, even though it's not in his/her intention, and it'll just drag on. Therefore, just try to memorize the cards' name in the language you and your opponent are familiar in. If both parties are in doubt, just get a judge before Declare and Reveal.

/update: for those who are still confused with the steps:
Battle Phase ▶ Start Step ▶ Attack Step ▶ Resolve Check Timing (Declare ▷ Reveal ▷ set card back to the top of deck unless stated otherwise ▷ ability resolve) ▶ Guard Step ▶ Drive Step ▶ Damage Step ▶ Close Step


  1. Declare battle sister, you know the nun that is short?

    There it is, I declared Battle Sister Chocolat/Battle Sister Cream


  2. Performing the drive check (in case the card with the "declare-and-reveal" skill is the attacking Vanguard), comes after declaring and revealing the top card, right? So the revealed card will be drive-checked?

    1. Battle Phase ▶ Start Step ▶ Attack Step ▶ Resolve Check Timing (Declare ▶ Reveal ▶ set card back to the top of deck if stated ▶ ability resolve) ▶ Guard Step ▶ Drive Step ▶ Damage Step ▶ Close Step

      ^ steps on how it's supposed to be resolved. So, yea, after Declare and Reveal, if the card ability stated that the card if sent back to the top of your deck, the Revealed card will be Drive Checked.
