Monday, August 26, 2013

[Cardfight!! Vanguard] OTT Magus build

Since EB07 will be released later this week, I've prepared a build for Magus. Here's the build I thought of:

Hexagonal Magus *4
Pentagonal Magus *4

Briolette Magus *3
Stellar Magus *4
Cuore Magus *4

Crescent Magus *4
Tetra Magus *4
Circle Magus *4
Ripis Magus *3

Lozenge Magus (heal & SV) *4
Psychic Bird (crit) *4
Battle Sister, Tiramisu (draw) *4
Battle Sister, Assam (stand) *4

Magus build resolves around Declare and Reveal (D&R), a concept I've explained in my previous post. D&R is a great way to gain advantages you'll in in middle and later stages of the game, pressuring opponent with the needed magic numbers and replenishing hand if needed.

Furthermore, since even failing to Declare a card correctly allows one to put the Revealed card to set on the top of the deck without the need of shuffling, there are a few units for us to exploit the benefits of D&R.

Key Card(s):
I think many will think that Briolette Magus is the key card of this build. However, she is not; the key cards are Crescent Magus and Stellar Magus.

Crescent Magus allows the player to D&R the top card of your deck when boosting any unit, and if the card is Declared successfully, the boosted unit will gain 3k Power until the end of the battle. Note that one can abuse her ability easily since her ability can activate either she's boosting the VG or any RG, making her a great booster to have. Besides being able to become a 9k booster, you are able to use her ability to "check" the top of your deck. Thus, allowing one to know what is the top card of the deck and Declaring successfully for other units with D&R abilities.

Stellar Magus is another unit that allows much benefits from D&R with a meager cost of 1* Counter Blast. When Stellar Magus attacks the opponent's VG, the player may D&R. By Declaring successfully, Stellar Magus allows the player to add the Revealed card to his/her hand. It's even better when the player fails in D&R, he/she may unflip a damage. Guess what? While you're checking a card for free, at the same time, when you're in need of cards with Magus name at the Damage Zone, and you're only left with cards without Magus name and the former are all flipped, you could use Stellar Magus to switch/unflip a card with Magus name. Isn't Stellar Magus awesome?

Pentagonal Magus is undoubtedly the ace of the build. If you missed riding Hexagonal Magus, don't worry, Pentagonal herself is pressuring enough once you hit LB.

By Declaring successfully, Pentagonal Magus gains 5k Power and 1 extra Crit, making her excellent in pressuring your opponent. Besides, Pentagonal hits the magic number easily. Playing against 11k VGs? No worry! "Check" for the top card using Crescent Magus, while boosting her, then D&R the correct card with Pentagonal Magus, and she makes a 21k line with 2 Crits. Playing against 13k VGs? No worry! Check for the top card either with Circle Magus during your Main Phase, else via Crescent Magus or Stellar Magus on the RG circle. Then, D&R the correct card with both Pentagonal Magus and Crescent Magus, and there you have a 24k line with 2 Crits.

With the lack of usage of Counter Blast in this build, feel free to Counter Blast *2 for Pentagonal Magus for the extra 5k, if you're sure that your opponent has no Nulls in hand and he/she is either on the 4th or 5th damage. BURN HIS/HER HAND CARDS!!

Cards to be noted:
Hexagonal Magus may not be as important as Pentagonal Magus, but you'd want to try to ride her before riding any other G3 units. Her BR is great, allowing one to check for the top 3 cards from the deck, choosing one card and add to the hand, then placing the rest back to the top of the deck in any order. That's a huge advantage there, allowing one to gain an extra hand card, and arranging the order of cards to be Drive Checked, while preparing for a successful D&R.

What if you fucked up and seriously in need of a confirmed card on the top of your deck? Look no further than Briolette Magus. By Soul Blasting *1, one may send her back to the top of the deck. Convenient, isn't it?

Personally, I find Magus deck a quite stable deck to play with after testing it out with proxies. It's easy to maintain pressure during middle game to late game, and it's easy to gain advantages in many ways. I think I might be building one when EB07 is released, even thought I'm not that active in CFV anymore. It'll be interesting to see how it goes.


  1. Build and tried already. I must say, It's a really fun deck to play with. Very consistent. One gripe I have is the lack of usage of counterblast. Wondering if adding Maiden of Libra would be a good idea.

    1. It'd be nice to gain hand advantage and pressure with MoL. imo, I'd use Counter Blast for either Stellar to draw certain unwanted cards, or for Penta when it's confirmed that my opponent doesn't have nulls on his/her hand. That's my two cents though, if you found a better play style, feel free to recommend it!
