Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Sigh... The moron in my local CFV community strikes again

Again, if you are offended by vulgar words and profanities, do skip this post, and this is a personal rant on a fucktard. Thank you, come again.

/update: fuck this, image is too long to embed, here's the link.

'nuff said, Yap Chean Thong is a cunt who is so full of himself that he cannot accept any other opinions be it right or wrong. The worst part is he can't even come up with a constructive argument, instead he opts for childish taunts, further making a fuck out of himself when he is already a fucktard.

No wonder players are quitting here and there...

/note on Revenger deck: yes, I did claimed that Revenger deck is inconsistent as a whole, but to classify RFD as an inconsistent unit? I certainly didn't do that; I merely stated RFD is resource wasting. Of course, it has its cons, but I might be harsh on RFD on my last rant (prolly I'm on roids), RFD certainly has its advantages. For instance, RFD is good in the way that it is a 11k VG (magic number desu), and the pressure you could mount on your opponent with its LB. Don't get me wrong, it may be hard to pull off the LB, but have anyone heard of mind games? Executing it at the right time, right method, it can be quite effective, though the LB leaves you with a near empty field, burning off your opponent's hand card at the same time. RFD is decent, period. It can be good if you know how to execute it well, or a piece of shit if you're ignorant in using it.

On the other hand, saying Diarmuid is consistent is, I dunno man... Stupid? It is good, in terms of offensive, but do realize the constant need to retire a RG for its ability. A constant -1 is a no-no, you'll eventually run out of cards to retire. There are so much more better abilities to gain the Power needed, eg. Labrador the dog? She makes Diarmuid looks like stupid. Besides, the 10k power? That's more depressing. I wonder who will run out of hand cards first, your opponent who runs 20k for all lines and your awesome Diarmund? Do the calculation, please.

When it comes to consistency, all Breakride and System builds are inconsistent, imo. It's as if restricting yourself to a certain build where doing a systematic procedure will only allow you to gain advantage. Well, these are my opinions though, if fucktard sees this, no doubt I'll get a handful of him with moronic replies. Dear me, fuck me... and fuck you too.

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