Friday, May 20, 2011

Hahahaha, Aeria...

...but, I didn't really get the joke. Mind explaining, Aeria?

*I saw this mail when I'm doing some cleaning in my e-mail's inbox. I received this mail on 18th of May. I guess either Aeria is ready to unban me or the staff is asking me to go around the server to play the game. I guess I just don't really care.

That aside, I just realized I missed out LM.C's two most recent albums, with the oldest dated back to 2008. What kind of bullshit fan I am, if I were to not update myself on their release and not buying to add on my collection. So, I forked out some money (*a lot, because I have to import them >.>) to get them. Should be getting them by the middle of next week and I will be listening to them for the next few weeks.

Another thing, most of you guys should have realize by now the official Encyclopedia Dramatica has been renamed to Oh Internet, which is reedited for SFW purposes. So, our beloved NSFW articles are pretty much not as lulzy as they were. However, I recently found out all the articles are saved on the newly created Encyclopedia Dramatica, and I think we should really thank the internet and anons for this awesome gift. Hail LULZ!

Anyway, going back to sleep. Nights.


  1. And the reason you were banned would be?

  2. "Breaking TOS" with no further explanation.

  3. mawei: I hope another tsunami and huge earthquake will take millions of dead pigs out of the your ****ing hometown-japan
    23 May 11, 12:05 AM
    mawei: you japanese are all idiots and mother-****ing asshole

    look what someone said about japan in clan agito shoutbox >_> idk if he or she is jokeing or not

  4. Well, perhaps it's targeted towards me, since I'm the only Japanese in the clan. Then again, lulzy flame is lulzy.

  5. whens shikis blog gonna be back up? his drama is funny xD

  6. Dunno. Haven't talk to him for some time since I'm kinda busy lately.

  7. aeria games stupidity and the complete lack of common sense and complete stupidity from the EN megaten community is driveing me away from megaten to go back and play runescape with my IRL friends X_X

  8. ur not japanese or malaysian, idiot

  9. Holy shit, I'm actually flabbergasted by this awesome statement that actually features 0% of IQ level. So, please tell me, dear Anon, who am I actually? And I prefer to have a proper sentence this time, with correct grammar usage and intelligence included...

  10. Wtf Syu, you're not Japanese of Malaysian? JUST WTF ARE YOU!? Damn mutt.

  11. Well, NAme, I'm not a Japanese since I am half Japanese, half-Chinese; I'm not a Malaysian since the Malaysian government refuses to give me citizenship like giving out free tissue packets. Damn you, governments, why no give me citizenships...

    Anon pretty much stated some obvious statements that most should already know by all the hints I've given throughout the site. Damn you, Anon, why so obvious?

  12. /necro

    kudos for using live mail client.

    Also, shame on Aeria. MT team is going down the shithole.


    I am somehow honored to have you visiting my crappy blog... =w=

  14. Bunny y i cant stalk your profile no more *sadface*
