Friday, February 25, 2011

[Imagine] Biased, hypocrisy and full of shit

Since this happened, I think adding a few more shitty calls by AGE's awesome staffs will not hurt much.

I've been wanting to post this for some time, but I just don't really have the time to do so. Since it'll do injustice to the person who actually sit in front of the screen, monitoring SB when he/she has better things to do, I shall write this post for great justice. So, move ZIG now:

Let us observe this screen:

It's a bit low quality, but I'm sure you can see how Scoville stood up for faiLegacy. Is it wrong to stand up when you see some kid who tries so hard acting smart (smartass) and behaves like an attention whore asking for it, then shout butthurt when he gets the attention? What are you thinking? Of course we should fucking help the "poor" kid!

But, hey! Wait, look at this:

Fucking kid is multi-clienting! Even a GS can be the witness. Shall we ban him, dear Scoville? Of course, we should give him a chance. He is a fucking kid. He doesn't know any shit and he means no harm to everyone. Awwww... I'm terribly sorry then, I shouldn't have reported this incident to a few GMs, because it was my duty to report the violation of ToS. Kudos to you GMs for not taking any single fucking action, because faiLegacy DO really deserve a chance. Heh...

Wait again... What about this?

*the link in the screen leads to this image:

Isn't this an offensive/inappropriate image to link to, GM? Heck, no! Even it is, he should deserve another chance, for fuck sake, he's a kid, he meant no harm. It's just a moment of folly. Instead of punishing the kid, we should punish another user who posted less offensive/inappropriate images for everyone's enjoyment. Yeah, let's fucking ban him instead!

These are the two selected screens from a few selection of screens.

The first screen was a screen I took few months ago, I bring it up again because the fact that multi-clienting is a serious offense in AGE's ToS. I've reported this incident to a few GMs, and included this in my monthly report. The answer I received was they will take action since it's an serious offense. Any action taken? As far as I can see, none.

The second screen was taken recently, by the anonymous user who took his/her time to screen stuff on SB. If NAme was posting inappropriate images which are offensive to most users, I fucking bet $1000 that an image that has a middle finger disregarding the caption is worse than what NAme posted on SB. Biased? You bet. Hypocrisy? Definitely. Full of shit? I'll add another $1000 on this.

What's your defense now, Ms. Emily? How's Mr. Wong Jian Ann's anal licking skills? Enough to make your asshole feels fucking good, right? Enough to make you a hypocrite and make all your judgment so biased that even a harmless hamster can start picking up bazookas, killing every experienced soldier who can pawn ass like Chuck Norris in the world just for teh lulz of it, AM I FUCKING RIGHT?

inb4, Mr. Kevin says it's easy to google out any shit nowadays. Hell, yes! I love googling too.

Adding another screen:

faiLegacy used this to report me harassing him. Now, let's ignore the fact that it was not in my intention of harassing him in my conversation with Lezar and the fact that he doesn't even have the full chatlog to support his claims. What I want all of you to see is his taskbar. Notice "" on his IM? I wonder how many person has he framed, and how many times he has licked Dojan's pussy... So, Dojan, we can like get together, I mean I would really love to make out with you and maybe have my dick in your sand-filled vagina, so that I can have my position back... DISREGARD THAT, I SUCK COCKS! Besides, she is not my type and she is fucking ugly, also, I'm not a fucking pedophile.

Anyway, since we are not allowed to make faiLegacy "jokes" on AGE's shoutbox, I hereby announce everyone in this world disregarding any race, sex, age, intelligence level... fuck, just anyone, is allowed to make faiLegacy jokes on my motherfucking blog. Fuck you, Scovfail.

Ok, I'll start a few jokes, here they come. Check the following screens:

No, shit! Ever heard of Demon Tamer, pr0? I thought you are a pr0 veteran who can pawn everyone's ass? Talking about that, I think I'm gonna rambo Ichi Gold with my Enhancer NOW.


Yea... right.... It's not question, because you don't understand an obvious fact in a game which every single motherfucking pr0 knows and you added a question mark behind your sentence. Yea, I'm convinced, because I'm a big moron, like you.


K... Wait a fucking minute. But, faiLegacy claims that he knows every single shit in the game! Shit me not! He is a motherfucking veteran and all of you are nubs! Who are you to judge him? Fuck this screen, I refuse to believe in his lack of knowledge. Fuck all of you, you are not gonna insult my almighty god! This is not true! La la la la la la... Fuck all of you!

Alright, enough of my lame jokes, it's now your turn to humor me with faiLegacy jokes. Do your best eh? I hate lame jokes (hypocrisy, hah).


  1. creepytentaclednephewFebruary 25, 2011 at 10:16 PM


    If feet massages can give me orgasms, it'll be better than sex. Maybe the same goes for ass-licking.

    Soooo... riddle me this: Why are we all still
    /raging or /trolling about MT? I mean, sure, we can care about the game but why care at all?

    Personally, I'm only doing it because:

    1. My life has no do-ra-maz.
    2. My life has no do-ra-maz about failures.
    3. I need to laugh as well.
    4. It's fun seeing MegaTen fail. I mean, what will happen after that! That's what keeps me hanging.

    I'm quite sure there's a 5th reason there somewhere.

  2. My reasons:

    1. I have nothing better to do, in terms of entertainment.
    2. Someone provided me lulz, it'll be a waste if I don't do something about it.
    3. I don't want to fill my blog with personal rants, it'll be somehow sad, I guess...
    4. Same as your point 4.
    5. Doramaz leads to fails, fails lead to lulz, lulz leads to entertainment for everyone and great justice.


    I have my 5th reason, what about you?

    (*I beat your tentacles, definitely)

    Wait a minute... Don't go off the damn topic! Gimme a joke on faiLegacy! >.<

  3. I feel honored that you would include my statements in your pictures. :V

  4. Lol... I just realized you're in most of the screens...

  5. creepytentaclednephewFebruary 26, 2011 at 1:56 AM

    There was another part where out came "Shut up Legacy. I'm not talking to you." but I never bothered screening it.

    Nope, tentacles > resistance. They be slimy!

  6. Maybe he's just..not..I..uhm..
    Yeah okay, I can't make any excuses up for this.
    How long has he been playing? (/wonders what the criteria for being a veteran is)

    MTDrama is always fun. <3
    But yea, seems kinda like favouritism there. Double clienting has always been a serious offense and though I'm not saying "OMGBANHIMRIGHTNOW!" it's still unfair that people who don't have any association with the GMs get banned right away while the ones that do know GMs can get excused from the ban on the grounds of association.

    "We know this guy and he's a good kid and didn't mean to do it, or didn't do it on purpose" doesn't mean that the person you don't know wasn't a good kid or did it to purposely screw with the ToS. Double standards are just plain wrong.

    If someone like Shiki or Indi or possibly me said they/we were double clienting I bet the banhammer would make an exclusive appearance immediately, don't you think so too?

    Side Note: Giving everyone the same amount of care like so would endear you to the community. Can't call it favouritism if everyone gets the same treatment. They should keep that in mind.

    Ps. /thought iLegacy was a new player. >.> /michifailsanddoesnotremembernameswellapparently

  7. @dear nephew: Apparently, your trolls are not welcomed in the screen... But, still, it's a fucking good effort. We oughta to feed the attention whore more attention since he's begging for moar buttsecks.

    My resistance is much more pr0 than your tentacles. Believe it!

    @Michi: Here's an idea how long faiLegacy's been playing the game. His account was made earlier than my bunnydaisuki account (my 2nd or 3rd account) which made it pretty lulz.

    I'm pretty lenient in defining the criteria of a veteran. Since Megaten is a pretty new game, compared to many MMOs out there, I'd say playing the game for around 1.5 year and with at least reliable experiences/knowledge of the game.

    For someone who claims to be a pr0 (this is worse, since pr0 needs to have really extensive and reliable knowledge of the game)/ veteran, he doesn't even know that Treasto'ing out from a instance means an one way ticket out from the instance, evidence: here. This retard is so stupid that I don't even know where to start dissing him...

    I'm not pissed about not giving a chance. I mean we all do mistakes and we do deserve a chance to correct ourselves. But, at least a warning mail on not to multi-client? If they can't even do something as simple as that, it's not being biased, I don't know what the fuck it is anymore... Might as well stop asking me to monitor players' behavior and stuff, it's practically wasting my efforts.

    Anyone blacklisted will definitely get a PERMA ban instantly, I kid you not. Forget about temp ban, it will 100% be a perma ban. Just look at LG.

    If they can listen to our advices and criticisms, the situation won't be as fucked up as currently.

    @anon: Used to, not now. I used to frequent 4chan to sharpen my trolling skills since I have a policy of minimizing my trolls on most forums I visited, since I was mods, or sometimes even admins for those forums or the games related to. It'll be pretty fucked up to set a bad example to the users, won't it?

  8. creepyobsessednephewMarch 1, 2011 at 5:46 PM

    I just saw this... "devotivational." =D

  9. New GMs have succumbed to older GMs ways?
    I thought Scoville was a nice GM. (She was always friendly when I saw her in SB.)
    What happened to make her a bad one now? O:

  10. When Maku was sacked, we knew something was wrong, very wrong. And as I stay in the team for awhile, I knew that shit will happen one day. She is just incompetent in doing her job, you can ask Shiki about my frustration when trying to set up an event with at least some decent prizes and the sacking of certain GSes, although I've made it clear to her that they've informed me about their current situation and they should be given an excuse/holiday for that.

  11. That so odd, guess you really can't judge a book by its cover. :<

  12. dude you are my fucking hero man.

  13. I just love reading your blogs. :D
