Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Mood swing and another lazy day

Yes, yes... I have another mood swing which made me change the whole template again. Since my nephew said that the new template soothes the eyes of the viewer, I'd stick with this template until I'm free enough to make another wallpaper that doesn't cause eye bleed. Changed to a new clock from chibit, again. Most importantly, removed the navbar since it's kinda useless for me now. Most of the changes made during the last update, such as favicon, html changes, etc remained, so it's pretty much the same.
/edit: played with the typeface, leave a comment on it pl0x. Will revert to default if it's hard to read.

Anyways, yesterday was the last day for my holiday week, and today it's another bloody presentation day. The fucking headache I had two days ago miraculously came back to give me a shit day for a start. Of course as always, teh fucking bunny took 2 tablets of paracetamol tablets and shrug it off like an pr0 dewd.

The presentation on another hand... might be a bit disappointing, for the lecturer, I guess. She gave me a "lol, wat is you doing?" look. Bleh... I guess I'll do some refinements on the web design. So much for slacking off during holiday. Serve me right.

After the class, I had lunch with Chun Yung and Kae Kwang, and head to the nearest Cyber Cafe for four rounds of DotA. 2 wins and 2 loses, and I'm playing like a noob. All four rounds are in AP mode and I picked Drow Ranger thrice and used Troll Warlord for the last round. Despite me being a huge burden to the team, we manage to grab a pr0 host who kills others like eating peanuts and Chun Yung showing off 1337 skillz, raeping everyone's butt. Too bad we had massive lags and leavers during the last two match, so we are pretty much fucked up, 'cept for Chun Yung, pr0 dewd is pretty pr0.

So, I'm compiling my to-do list for the rest of the day till tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can finish every damn thing before rushing off to work and class.

  • Fucking take a shower and grab a quick dinner,
  • Refine the damn web design before Friday,
  • Finish the rest of the leftover assignments that I'm supposed to finish during the holiday period,
  • Install updates for my PC,
  • Feed KIMCHI and visit his goddamn friends,
  • Trash everyone in FIFA Superstars,
  • Have a good night sleep,
  • Wake up early... hopefully...

/still QQ'ing over the fucking slow internet connection. Who the fuck keeps downloading porn, get a life, screw a girl, dammit!

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Took a screen of the default fonts and the edited fonts. Throw me a comment on which template you guys preferred the most.

- Default fonts on template - Edited fonts on template -

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  1. creepyobsessednephewFebruary 9, 2011 at 4:54 PM

    Sometimes, it makes me wonder how I type in "b" in Opera and end up here. Anyway, new post is new and...

    I find earthen colors and light earthen colors calming and pretty. That said, some people might have a different opinion.

    And I take offense of the "Who the fuck keeps downloading porn, get a life, screw a girl, dammit!" comment. /orz

  2. Cookies in history folder?

    I kinda like this color too, that's why. I'd use light-blue/azure colored templates, but the ones with light blue are ugly. Anyways, I've changed the fonts, is it alright or you'd prefer the default fonts?

    Definitely not directed to you, directed to low-lives who have nothing better to do, but fapping to porn when they can spend their time doing better things that will contribute to the world and don't abuse the damn router.

  3. Added 2 links linked to the screens of both templates. Need suggestions! >.<

  4. creepyobsessednephewFebruary 9, 2011 at 11:49 PM


    and the fact that the "Scribble" font reminds me of my report on Friday. @_@

  5. still can read in my opinion

  6. creepyobsessednephewFebruary 10, 2011 at 4:22 PM

    True, true. It is still readable but I still think there's something wrong in reading "GO AND HAVE YOU CUNT FUCKED BY MT'S GM TEAM DOJAN. OH WAIT THEY CAN'T DO THAT SINCE THEY HAVE NO BALLS(OR DICKS)" and "SUCK THEIR NON-EXISTENT BALLS FAGGOT FaiLegacy" in, what I think is, a child's writing.

    On the other hand, I'm quite sure children have a better understanding and autonomy than Dojan, FaiLegacy and the MT-GM team combined and multiplied to 110 million billion.


  7. @kenny: Rephrase your fucking sentence, and remember to add some punctuation. Thank you, come again.

    @nephew: Actually this font is "coming soon" and it is indeed a child's writing. But, I like this font since it actually blends well with the layout, or so I think.

    And I do agree that some or perhaps lots of children have higher skills of comprehension than Dojan, faiLegacy, most GMs in AGE (I lol'd so hard at this) and a lot dumbasses in the Imagine community.

    Children, are indeed fucking awesome.

    *just for example: they can just annoy the fuck out of you by continuously crying without tears; no adults can do that, and that's how awesome children are

  8. Sorry, my dear nephew, got another 2 votes to keep the fonts. Gotta get more readers to vote against it.

  9. Default fonts. Your beautiful rants and insults have way less impact in this scribble.
